ALPHA Sports Medicine Clinic

Exercise Physiology

Delivering Exercise Physiology services to the communities of Newport, Altona, Yarraville, Spotswood, Sunshine, Williamstown and Bacchus Marsh.

Newport Exercise Physiology Services

Is an Exercise Physiologist on your recovery team?

Are you looking to exercise but not sure where to start?

Accredited Exercise Physiologists are health professionals who can get you moving as you’re recovering from an injury and/or managing a health condition.

What is Exercise Physiology?

Exercise Physiology is the implementation of safe and personalised exercise for people with a variety of health conditions. Exercise Physiology can work with cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and neurological conditions to name a few. If you do not have any health conditions or injuries, AEPs are qualified to help you meet whatever fitness goals you have.

Exercise Physiologist

What treatment methods do Exercise Physiologists use?

The main form of treatment for Exercise Physiologists is exercise! After a thorough assessment where your function and goals are taken into account, an Exercise Physiologist will prescribe you a specific exercise program to help you achieve your goals.

Our ALPHA Exercise Physiologists are constantly reviewing and learning the latest evidence-based physical therapy and exercise rehabilitation methods to ensure you get the best care possible.

What conditions do Exercise Physiologists treat?

Physiotherapists can treat a wide range of issues and conditions, such as:

Get the support you need to help your body heal and perform at its best.

ALPHA Exercise Physiology

What to expect in your first Exercise Physiology appointment

 A good chat! Your first appointment will be your Exercise Physiologists chance to get to know you and why you’re here. Some common topics covered are:

  • Past medical history
  • Current and previous exercise levels
  • What you would like to get out of Exercise Physiology

After you’ve gotten to know each other and your Exercise Physiologist says it’s safe, you will complete some exercise tests to determine your function.

From here, your Exercise Physiologist will discuss the results with you and plan the exercise journey ahead! 

The ALPHA Exercise Physiologist difference

Your ALPHA Exercise Physiologist is here to listen and work with you to form an exercise plan that you are happy with. We’re here to help you!

Taking your recovery to the next level
Get support from the team that is on your side
We believe that being part of your support team and seeing you thrive is one of the most rewarding things we do. Together, we can help you find the relief you are looking for, relax and recover so you can get back to living and enjoying your life.
Give us a call to find out more, or book an appointment online with one of our Osteopaths.


Yes. Physiotherapists are registered healthcare practitioners and most health funds will have rebates available for Physio. Check with your own private health fund prior to your appointment to confirm.

Physiotherapy and Osteopathy are closely related. Both are AHPRA accredited Allied Health practitioners and both study for at least 3 years to get their qualifications. The conditions we treat are similar too. However, there is a difference in the approach we take to helping you heal and recover. A Physiotherapist will focus on movement and function, while an Osteopath will focus on the entire musculoskeletal system as a whole. Here at ALPHA, we work as a team to get the best outcomes we can for you.

The Physio consults at Alpha are thorough and a first appointment will run for 45 minutes. Our Physio team work closely with our Osteopaths and approach the body in a holistic way. We use a variety of techniques to help you feel your best. We are the experienced Physio near you.

Exercise Physiology FAQs

To get started with Exercise Physiology services, simply book an initial consultation with our exercise physiologists in Newport. During this consultation, your health and fitness goals will be discussed, and a personalised program will be developed to help you achieve them.

The frequency of appointments with an Exercise Physiologist depends on individual goals, health status, and program design. Typically, initial consultations may occur more frequently, followed by ongoing support and monitoring as needed.

Exercise physiologists in Newport can help manage and treat a wide range of conditions including cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, musculoskeletal injuries and chronic pain, neurological conditions, and respiratory disorders.

While both Exercise Physiology and personal training involve exercise guidance, Exercise Physiology is a more comprehensive and clinically focused discipline. Exercise Physiologists have a deeper understanding of anatomy, physiology, and pathology, allowing them to address complex health conditions and medical considerations. They work within a healthcare framework and often collaborate with other healthcare professionals.

Our Newport physiotherapists specialise in treating injuries and conditions through methods like exercise and manual therapy, while our exercise physiologists in Newport focus on prescribing exercise programs to improve overall health and fitness. Physiotherapy address a wide range of conditions, while exercise physiology mainly work with exercise-based interventions.