Neck Pain

Can Stress Cause Pain? | Neck Pain Treatment - Alpha Sports Medicine
Neck Pain

Can Stress Cause Pain?

Stress is something most people experience in their life, but did you know a stress response is a normal reaction for a human body? Stress is a physiological change in the body linked to the sympathetic nervous system, otherwise known as the “fight, flight or fright” response, so if you were to be chased by

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Neck Pain

Pain in the Neck

Remember when we were kids, how fearless we were? How we would swing on the monkey bars until our hands would burn? How we’d fall over chasing down a basketball, scrape our knees, wipe the blood off, and keep running? Remember climbing trees? Falling off the slide? Bouncing your sister off the trampoline (sorry Mum)?

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Ergonomic Desk Setup
Neck Pain

How good is your study posture?

Holidays are over for uni students across Australia (sort of). The new semester has begun, and so has the time to pick up the books again. Between lectures, tutorials, practicals, working on your laptop on the train, reading books in bed and writing assignments at midnight to make the 9am deadline, posture is the LAST

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