
What Can You Do In Isolation?

Knee Pain is NOT Forever!

Remember a time where you called your knee’s left and right, instead of good and bad? For some reason or another, the knee tends to be the joint that becomes most painful over time. Knee pain can be debilitating and it can stop you from doing the things you love most. There are many reasons

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Ways to Improve Back Pain - Back Pain Treatment Maidstone | Alpha Sports Medicine
Back Pain

How To Improve Your Back Pain (The Easy Way)

Have you lived with back pain your whole life? Or maybe you’ve just had a baby, and your back is suddenly painful. Or perhaps you’ve changed jobs and spend more time sitting at your desk. Now you wake up daily with aching back pain. If this sounds like you, read on to find out how

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Soccer Knee Injury Treatment | Alpha Sports Medicine


Being injured is more than just the injury itself. Being injured is a journey, there’s a reason they call it a road to recovery. There’s the pain, the waiting, the appointments, the rehab. But what no one ever talks about is the toll an injury can have on emotions. The psychological burden that comes with

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Strength and Conditioning Rehab
Back Pain

10 Common Gym Junkie Mistakes

Gym based injuries make up majority of the cliental we as Osteopaths see day in day out. However, injuries that result from gym training can often be avoided with some good advice! So whether you’re a seasoned gym goer or a freshman in the gym world, here are the 10 most common mistakes gym junkies

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Back Pain Treatment | Alpha Sports Medicine
Back Pain

5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Back Pain

Back Pain can be completely debilitating. It can be the difference between a good day and a bad day. Here are 5 ways to improve back pain naturally from home! 1. Keep Moving Your back is made up of your spine, muscles and ligaments, all of which get nutrients from blood, if you’re doing nothing,

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Benefits of Exercise in Health and Mental Health | Alpha Sports Medicine

Let’s Get Physical!

We’ve been told over and over again that regular exercise is important for not only physical health, but also cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic and mental health, yet around 60% of Australians aged 15 and over partake in low levels of exercise or NO exercise at all. We we’re told in the 80s that getting physical in

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Understanding the Pain and Muscle Balance Connection

Understanding the Pain and Muscle Balance Connection

Ever wondered why you always have a stiff neck? Or why you always suffer from tight calves? Or even why your lower back always feels as hard as a rock after a long day at work? The answer lies in the workload of the muscles, and how that workload is shared across the board. To

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