
Can Stress Cause Pain? | Neck Pain Treatment - Alpha Sports Medicine
Neck Pain

Can Stress Cause Pain?

Stress is something most people experience in their life, but did you know a stress response is a normal reaction for a human body? Stress is a physiological change in the body linked to the sympathetic nervous system, otherwise known as the “fight, flight or fright” response, so if you were to be chased by

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Manage Headache from Home

How To: Help A Headache From Home

If you’re an adult in Australia, chances are you’ve experienced a headache. Maybe you’ve been working longer hours hunched at your kitchen bench? Maybe you’ve been stressed out while home schooling your kids? Or perhaps you’ve found yourself spending more time watching Netflix slouched on the couch? Whatever the reason, if you’ve experienced a headache

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Motivation and YOU

Every year at the start of the New Year I make promises to myself, not resolutions but new goals. Short term and long term ambitions for my health, career and personal development. This year, I have made an intentions list. An intentions list is something new for me, but it’s a list of things I

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