Stressed Out!

Stressed Out!

Stress is something we as a society have become all too familiar with. We experience stress when the demands put upon us outweigh our ability to deal with the demands. Things like work deadlines, financial pressure, school exams, family life, relationship problems, car accidents and illness can all contribute to the process we know as…

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Being injured is more than just the injury itself. Being injured is a journey, there’s a reason they call it a road to recovery. There’s the pain, the waiting, the appointments, the rehab. But what no one ever talks about is the toll an injury can have on emotions. The psychological burden that comes with…

Pain In The Neck

Pain in the Neck

Remember when we were kids, how fearless we were? How we would swing on the monkey bars until our hands would burn? How we’d fall over chasing down a basketball, scrape our knees, wipe the blood off, and keep running? Remember climbing trees? Falling off the slide? Bouncing your sister off the trampoline (sorry Mum)?…

Motivation And You

Motivation and YOU

Every year at the start of the New Year I make promises to myself, not resolutions but new goals. Short term and long term ambitions for my health, career and personal development. This year, I have made an intentions list. An intentions list is something new for me, but it’s a list of things I…

How To Avoid A Body Breakdown This Festive Season

How to Avoid a Body Breakdown this Festive Season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, Andy Collins once said. December is definitely one of my favourite months of the year. December means the beginning of  summer (most days in Melbourne), the smell of pine from the Christmas trees, and an overall joyous feeling as we near the end of the year. However…